Coffee, Contracts and Confessions

Where have we been?? Now that we're back, let's discuss some unpopular opinions about trends!!

Jamie Lynn Crist and April Shepard Season 2 Episode 4

Welcome back!! These girls are so busy with life that they had to take a break from recording!  But they are back in full swing to talk about what they have been up to, what new products they are using, and the forever changing home décor trends. 

This episode if full of opinions,  some popular and some not so popular.  When discussing trends, its very likely that before they even finish the conversation, the trends have shifted.   We hope you enjoy hearing Jamie and April's personal thoughts on the current/recent home décor trends. 

Also, make sure to check out the links below if you want to give our favorite products a try!

You can find Jamie and April on Facebook at Coffee, Contracts, and Confessions and on Instagram at coffee_contracts_confessions.   We can't wait to hear what you think of this episode. Let us know if you are ready to buy or sell real estate, you can send us a message using one of the links below!

You can find Jamie on Facebook at Jamie Lynn Crist-The Property Shop International Realty and on Instagram at jamielynncrist_cristproperties

Jamie's Stitch Fix Link     

Jamie's Bag Link

You can find April on Facebook at April Shepard/The Property Shop International Realty   and on Instagram at april_shepard_realestate

Ninja Cookware Link

April's Erin Condren Link

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to Coffee, contracts and Confessions with me, jamie, and me, april. Well, it's been a long time since we recorded yet again, april. Yeah, though It's been about a month. Yeah, it has been, or at least from release date to recording date. By the time we actually get this out, it'll probably be another week A little over a month, Yeah, but I know for me.

Speaker 1:

I've been sick and I've had like this cold and then the cough. It's three weeks later and I still have it. So I apologize in advance if my throat is a little raspy or my voice is a little raspy or if I cough a bunch, but it was due time that we at least attempt to record.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Well, in the springtime colds are no fun. Yeah, it's starting to get warm outside, and it's warm one day, cold the next, and your sinuses are not agreeing.

Speaker 1:

Right. It took me like a week to get over the actual cold itself and then, three weeks later, the cough is still. I mean you can tell, you can hear my voice? Yeah, i was just saying.

Speaker 2:

I feel like my voice is a little scratchy today too, so we're just going to wing it. We're just going to get through it. I feel like that's what we do anyway, yeah, so what have you been up to lately?

Speaker 2:

Well, i guess I've just been doing the normal springtime stuff like getting my garden ready and we opened our pool, which took probably from beginning to end, probably took about a week and a half to get it vacuumed out, cleaned out, all the chemicals balanced and make it nice and pretty. And it was still like 60 degrees in the water and my son was like can I get in? We're like, yeah, sure, go ahead. And he jumped in and jumped right back out the first time, but then the next week it started to get a little warmer. So he's been in the pool pretty much every day.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we went to the beach this past weekend because it was the only place I wanted to go for Mother's Day. We went on Saturday because it was supposed to rain on Sunday and that water was cold.

Speaker 2:

I walked out in.

Speaker 1:

It got that way. It's deep, turn around and walk right back.

Speaker 2:

I'm like I'm done. Yeah, my two girls went to the beach the week before Mother's Day, like sometime that week, and they said the water was really cold but there were people out there swimming, so I guess that's what you can tolerate.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there was a bunch of people out there swimming, i think they were all intoxicated, but they were out there swimming.

Speaker 2:

They were nice and toasty at that point. Yes, it doesn't really matter?

Speaker 1:

It doesn't really matter. What else have you been doing? You were talking about your garden, yeah.

Speaker 2:

You know, we have three garden beds and then a large garden area. This year we decided to plant corn. How do you keep your dogs out of it? We have a fence around it, gotcha. Yeah, we have to keep the dogs and the chickens and everything else out. The chickens like to go in there and dig and eat everything. But yeah, we got that started. Everything's going pretty good, except for my cucumbers.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, i don't know what's going on, if they had like transplant shock or what but everything's growing nicely and I've already got some you know flowers on the zucchini and squash, and I've already got tomatoes on the tomato plants and the little cucumbers are still little mini babies. Have you done any research on it? I have and I asked a friend and she gave me a recommendation. I can't remember what it was on top of my head, but she said a little goes a long way and you just add it to your water.

Speaker 2:

So, we're going to try that this weekend.

Speaker 1:

Kind of like Miracle Grow type thing Yeah.

Speaker 2:

It's kind of like a survival thing, or I think it was like thrive or something like that for vegetables. So we'll see, but everything else is going well.

Speaker 1:

Well, i think it's due time you invited us over to your house. Aren't y'all having to get together, or something?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, rodney's birthday is coming up. His birthday is May 30th and that always falls around Memorial Day, so it's kind of like a combined Memorial Day birthday.

Speaker 1:

I need to put that on my calendar. I don't think I've put it on my calendar. Yeah, what are y'all having? Are you going to make kawachi?

Speaker 2:

No, i tried to do something fun and he was like well, it's Memorial Day, let's just do hamburgers and hot dogs. So that's what he wanted, so that's what we're doing.

Speaker 1:

Well, i think you need to invite us over one day and do kawachi, yeah, because I really enjoyed that It was really good.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, i just made that the other day.

Speaker 1:

I heard you talking about it and I was a little jealous, yeah.

Speaker 2:

For Mother's Day that's what I said I wanted was kawachi, and my son I mean my daughter, my oldest daughter and my husband were like, oh, we'll cook it for you. And I was like, eh, you guys do all the prep work and do the hard part and I'll cook it, because I don't trust you guys to do it right.

Speaker 1:

Well, I tell you what if you choose a day and send me the ingredients, allow the ingredients, bring it over to your house and you can cook it. Any kids can swim and mind your business.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we'll make it work, we'll do it.

Speaker 1:

How's the corn?

Speaker 2:

coming. Oh my gosh, it like blew up Really Yeah, like the few days that we had a lot of rain. I guess the natural rain is something different, as opposed to water hose, water heater plants, because we water it every couple of days, you know when it starts to dry out, but then when it rains, it's like they go and they like tripled in size overnight, really Yeah.

Speaker 1:

I don't pay much attention to ours. All I know is that every year we harvest it and we never have enough time to harvest. I love it because there's too much of it and like nearly have a day or two to harvest it. you know, because if you don't get it done in that day, it's like they go bad, they rot or something, Yeah, And it's normally like somewhere between July 4th weekend and the weekend after that.

Speaker 1:

I think this year it falls around July 8th to harvest it because we had a late spring or our last freeze was later than normal. So I think it's that week that is on our calendar for everybody to come over and harvest it, but every year we never finish harvesting it. A ton of it goes to waste, yet every year Jason makes a bigger.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he said he was going to make it like an over an acre.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, he didn't do that, i put my foot down on that. We probably have like a half an acre with quarter, somewhere between quarter and half an acre with corn. Every year it grows and I'm like, why, like why.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You know we're never going to eat that.

Speaker 2:

It's just honestly, i don't like what are they called Okra? No?

Speaker 1:

I hate Okra. I don't like Okra.

Speaker 2:

But it is such a beautiful plant and last year I grew it for the first time and it was beautiful. Like the flowers are gorgeous, the plants gorgeous. The Okra grows. The corn's not cute. No Well, we don't have that much. We like. I said, this is our first year ever doing it. We tilled up a big area in our garden or in our backyard, and so we got about four rows Yeah.

Speaker 1:

We have like 40.

Speaker 2:

400. Yeah, 400.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm like Jesus.

Speaker 2:

We'll probably make it bigger as we get better at it.

Speaker 1:

You have to have people to help you harvest it. So that's Jason's idea. He likes idea of everybody coming over and spending the time together and harvesting the corn and having those memories so that the kids and family and friends and stuff. But at the end of the day it's starting to cost us more money to grow it.

Speaker 1:

It's not saving us money, like most people do gardens because they want fresh vegetables, and it saves them money from having to go to the grocery store and buy it. No, not with us. It costs us more money to grow it than we eat, because we either give it away or don't get to it. And we have like a little garden, that raised up garden thing that Jason did this year. That's got our cucumbers and onions, because I like chives and I'm the only one that likes winter family, so we don't plant that many of it Cucumbers, tomatoes, chives I want to say maybe there's zucchini out there, i can't remember, but like stuff like that, but I haven't seen anything Like I don't go out there and check, that's not my thing, that's Jason's thing, but none of them have brought any in any.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's still kind of early. Unless you started it super early. I do have a friend who started hers probably a few weeks before everybody else.

Speaker 1:

Did she not freeze? She's got a greenhouse. Oh, oh, oh Yeah.

Speaker 2:

So hers are already like producing fruit and everything.

Speaker 1:

So I'm like what's wrong with mine? Right, and it really nothing. Yeah, we just started later because of the weather.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, And we have a lot of peppers and I don't eat peppers but Rodney and the kids do. Well, rodney and one of the kids do. So I planted like red bell peppers, yellow bell peppers, green bell peppers What are those little green ones? Jalapenos Well, i did jalapenos. And banana peppers Oh, i love banana peppers. And then we've got some tomato plants and zucchini, squash and cucumbers, if they survive. Right, those are my favorite.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. Well, i guess we'll have to update everybody on how our gardens are going. I guess I actually need to pay attention to mine to be able to do that, though, so I'll have to go out there. I will tell you, though. We have been, so We've been doing flower beds in our house. Have I told you about this, mm-hmm? So I Took I'm not going to too much detail on this aspect, but I took a little bit of money that we see for my mom's accident and because my mom loved flower beds.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, you did tell me that, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And my mom absolutely loved flower beds. Her yard looked like a rainforest and she was alive to manage it and things like that. It was just absolutely beautiful, and so I've always wanted a pretty yard, but I don't have the time or the What's the work, the initiative like yeah, i just don't.

Speaker 2:

I don't say I'm like I absolutely love flowers, and then I'll plan to do the work, get, and then I forget about them because I get busy and especially in the summer They need a lot more water and it's hot, yeah, yeah and I don't want to go out there in the hot and pull weeds and like.

Speaker 1:

Once it becomes a chore I'm not interested anymore. I just won't it. But I don't want to do what it takes to get there to hire a gardener. Well, i actually hired a landscaper and because I was like, what can I spend this money on and not feel like I'm blowing it, but actually putting it to something that my mom would be proud of, mm-hmm. So we hired a landscaping company and they have come out and worked with us and mapped off our flower beds Exactly what we want build them up, put flowers in it. I told them I wanted it Absolutely as low maintenance as possible, but pretty, and so they are. They've put down really, really thick. Was that paper called to keep it from?

Speaker 2:

yeah, weeds from coming through the liner.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, this stuff is like a tarp, it's black and it's, it's this, it's like the material of a tarp. I'm like I don't even know if I can get through that. If I want to plant another flower, yeah, and I was against that originally because we had it in our old house. Anytime I wanted to plant something new, it was paying the butt to try to like cut through it.

Speaker 2:

We have it in hours in the where our front yard is landscaped. Anytime we want to plant something, i just have to cut like a little, cut like a cross right and then dig underneath it and it works Mm-hmm.

Speaker 1:

Well, they did that and they said that there shouldn't be much grass or weeds. If I manage the Mulch and things like that.

Speaker 2:

It's awesome.

Speaker 1:

So the front of our house is built up and then the corner flower bed on our driveway, with the driveway turns into the house. They redid that And it's really, really pretty and in that we took flowers that I had had, that my mom had brought me from her Her flower beds prior to the accident and helped me plan them. They tried, they saved all the bulbs for me as many of the bulbs as possible and planted it in that flower bed.

Speaker 1:

So that's the flower bed that I plan on. I'll be able to plant, like my pretty Stuff in flowers. You know any annuals if I'm going to do annuals and stuff or anything else, things like that. But you know how over by my house, like the back door that everybody uses, is just kind of I mean, it's not junkie, but it's just not nice looking over there. The building sits there. Yeah well, they move that building that we've cleaned up that building and move that building, and They're making me a rock garden there.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's so cool.

Speaker 1:

And then they're gonna put a fire pit in the middle of it with chairs around it, so that we'll have a little sitting area right there.

Speaker 2:

That's great.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's kind of neat. I'll have to take pictures of it and show it to you. And we'll put it on the podcast Facebook.

Speaker 2:

Rodney wanted to do that because we built our own Fire pit in the backyard, like we dug way down and then put Center blocks in the ground to make it actual like well type thing, and then decorated the top like a little fire pit. And Rodney wanted to put rocks down. I just didn't want rocks.

Speaker 1:

Well, we are only doing it in this area just because it's low maintenance and there'll be like stepping stones and stuff. Yeah but I didn't want grass, yeah, and I don't want dirt, mm-hmm, and I don't want a bunch of flowers over there to have to maintain. So, and it's only a small area, but This is gonna be. It's not gonna be like a fire pit like you're talking about. It's gonna be one like a propane one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, or something like that. Yeah, because I'm not trying to start a wood fire every time I want to go out there and say yeah you know, Um, i, just I personally is one of my favorite scents is wood burning.

Speaker 1:

It used to be for me, yeah until I Move back to the country, and that's yeah. Now it makes me nauseous, but like I just I think what happened is I've gone to bed with my hair smelling like that. One too many nights instead of washing it before I went to bed and it has just the scent has over time, just Yeah, started to make my stomach.

Speaker 2:

It would be nice to have both options.

Speaker 1:

Yes, it would be, it would be, but yeah, so we'll have a regular garden, but this will be a rock garden where I can put my flower pots and things like that and it'll give me an opportunity to have those More high maintenance flowers in the flower pot. Did that? Yeah, like, if I choose to have them and to have I like, like my bird feeder and my pretty decorative yard stuff.

Speaker 2:

That's where all of that yeah, that's good and go like have a bench and things like that.

Speaker 1:

I can see it It sounds like it's gonna be really pretty. I hope so, and I don't know what else I would have done with that area other than put a porch a front porch, and we're just not. I Really have my back porch before my front porch because I want, like, a screened-in porch and hop tub and things like that.

Speaker 1:

And Well, i want my front of my house to look pretty and have that big wrap around porch. I just mm-hmm, i know Back porch with a hot tub or something like that would be more functional for my family.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we'll use that more so. So we've been talking for a couple years And we've actually been talking very seriously Recently, because you know out going out of my back porch or backyard, i have like a covered porch.

Speaker 2:

But, it's like the builder grade covered porch and we've always wanted to expand it and we've thought about, you know, different options, like we can lay down stones by ourselves, or we can get Um Concrete brought in and just make it a full concrete patio. Right, we've talked about building an actual wood deck out there. It just ran through just many different ideas. Well, rodney was doing a job for somebody last week and They were putting down Astro turf, mm-hmm, and the guy gave Rodney some of the scraps because he was like, oh, i could use that near my pool.

Speaker 2:

You know, where people are stepping on the ladder and that's somewhere else. We're talking about building a deck, but anyway He was, we brought it home and put it at the back door, mm-hmm, so we can kind of use it as like a wipe your feet and it's kind of soft. And then we started talking about it. We could, if we could, buy enough of the Astro turf and lay it out Outside that patio, then we could put our chairs, our table and everything out there And not have to worry about the grass growing up or mowing the grass right. And it'll be a whole lot cheaper than building the actual patio that we were talking about. And it's still soft on your feet, right.

Speaker 2:

So yeah and it's beautiful, So you'll always have that green grass right outside your back door.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, that's something and that's kind of what we went with with the. I didn't think of astro turf, but with the whole rock idea, because it's right there behind the back door. I didn't want the dirt and the mud being tracked and Also didn't want some of the high maintenance. But dang is stoning expensive.

Speaker 2:

It is Yeah.

Speaker 1:

That's why we only limited it to that area, because we were going to do it in all the fire beds and stuff too, instead of mulch. But we just limited it to this area because it was so dangling expensive, yeah, anyways. Well, i guess we should probably move on topics. huh, we'll keep everybody updated.

Speaker 2:

on our part, it kind of does a good transition, because we're talking about home decor, and so that's what we've just been talking about outdoor decor.

Speaker 1:

Yes, Yeah, we have been, but we are. we did decide to bring something back This year, this, this episode That's right, are we gonna do that?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, let's do that first. It goes into the hole.

Speaker 1:

I think well, mine doesn't really yours does, goes into the whole household.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, it could be decor on your go first, and then I'll. I'll do mine and we'll just lead from my product to The home decor.

Speaker 1:

Okay, yeah, so we've decided to bring back our product of the week, or What was the other word? I used the um. Oh shoot, um. Recommendation. Recommendation or product of the week um, we, we went away. We did away with it at first. You have just the first couple episodes because we felt like they were just. We had a lot of comments about how it was taking so long to get to the meat per se of the um Podcast. But whenever we stopped doing it, we I've I've personally gotten a lot of feedback about how you know some people really like that, because it gives them ideas, some new things to try to.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Well, i mean, if you're looking on Instagram and tick tock and all that like that, to me is people really enjoy Knowing what products other people use and right like they go and sell them out pretty damn quickly right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I actually have an amazon influencers page that I don't use like I should but I think I need to take the time to actually Put it into place and start promoting it and using it, because then you know people love it. I know I do. That's the reason why I watch. Um, i love watching like new york city apartment tours or you know, city apartment tours and things like that, because I like to see the Things that people are using. Yeah, and I'm Probably embarrassingly horrible for being influenced by influencers, right.

Speaker 1:

Which isn't what we're trying to do. We're just trying to be like For us.

Speaker 2:

We're not trying to make your life easier.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we're not advertising, like we're not getting paid for it or anything like that. We're just trying to talk about things and recommend things that we particularly use, that make our lives easier, help us but, Yeah, so we've decided to bring this back, since we've gotten a lot of feedback on You know, not having been done it and you're doing it and see how popular it is, but yeah, So what's yours?

Speaker 2:

Let's go with yours first.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so mine is actually. I guess it's like a book bag, a laptop bag, something like that. I use it for my work bag. It's called a love book Laptop bag and you got on Amazon.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i got to know Amazon and we can link the link. We can put the links below in the description and the podcast in case any of y'all want to take a look at them. Either one of our products and or purchase them or try them out or whatever. We don't get anything off of it, just making life easier once again. Um, but this laptop bag I use it for work and it's so much easier for me to put all of my supplies for That need to go back and forth because, since we are real estate agents, our jobs don't just stop whenever we leave the office, like a lot of times.

Speaker 2:

We still need access to mobile office.

Speaker 1:

We still need access to everything in our car, all that stuff. So I'm gonna put my you know planner, my calendars, my computer everything that I need in this backpack. It's waterproof. It's even got a us b-port on it where, if you put one of those Battery chargers like the big rectangle battery charges You can hook to it and there's a placed in a pocket on the inside for you to stick it And then you can literally just plug into your bag. It's really really cool, which is really nice whenever we travel, because I use it for traveling to it.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna say that'd be nice to take to Disney or somewhere as well.

Speaker 1:

But, like on the airplane, i use that as my backpack to put everything in your carry on my carry on, and it was very, very Convenient to have that.

Speaker 1:

But also, what is very convenient with traveling is it's got well. You can buy it either way. You can buy it, as you know, one compartment or two compartments in the two compartments. The second compartment is a Laptop compartment. So whenever you go through Um, security at the airports is a whole lot easier if you can access Your computer without having to dig through your clothes, and Everything else is that you pack into your carry on bag, and so it was a lot easier to me. Which, on a different note, did you know that some of the airports have upgraded their technology and machines now so that you don't have to take out your computers?

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's nice Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Wilmington's like that now.

Speaker 2:

That's good.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because I didn't find that out. I took drug everything out and they were like, oh, you don't need to do that, but anyways, um, it's also got tons of pockets on the inside and outside for water bottles and just all pins and Just a lot of different compartments which I personally like, so that I'm not digging for things. Um, and on top of it It's super cheap. It's like 40 to 60 bucks depending on Because you can buy different sizes for what size laptop you have. So you can buy from 13 inch all the way up to 18 inch, and then, of course, the option of one compartment or two compartments. But the thing that I like the most about it Is the zipper is on the very, very top of the book bag, so it opens up fully.

Speaker 2:

So a wide mouth.

Speaker 1:

Yes, a very wide mouth so that you can truly access Everything in it, and it's almost got like a metal frame for that mouth, so It stays open for you and it it sits and it keeps its structure. Yeah, and it's just, it's just really, really nice. I like it a lot. I don't you have to see it to understand what I'm saying, but I can't express.

Speaker 2:

How nice of a bag it is. I've got my bag off of amazon 2 and it's a nice size and it's got a lot of good qualities to it. But one of the downfalls or two of the downfalls that I don't like about using my bag, is it's a big laptop bag too, so I put a lot of stuff in it. It gets very heavy.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And so that gets really hard to carry. One shoulder on your one shoulder and then when I put it down it always falls over Like it doesn't have that flat bottom.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and see mine doesn't fall over and it's a backpack So I have both shoulders to carry on it and then my hands are free. Yeah, but I can put all my stuff in there my gym clothes in there, my water bottles, and I mean like It's just Really amazing how many things that you can stick in this bag. And, yes, it does get heavy. But if you're carrying it as a book bag and both your shoulders are taken, you know the weight It's. It's a whole lot easier.

Speaker 2:

That's awesome. What's yours, um? so mine is Cookware, like I do 99 percent of the cooking in my house, and so I've had some really good cookware in the past. I've had some You know purchase from walmart cookware. I've had some hand me down cookware, and so A couple years ago I was like I'm sick of all this junk that I'm using and decided to throw 99 percent of it away and get a new set, and so I did a lot of research before I did that, um, but I found this. Well, i love ninja products already because I've had quite a few in different areas, um vacuums and um what are they called? the ninja fra?

Speaker 1:

Air fryer's.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i had the air fryer, but what's the other one the make smoothies? A blender? A blender, yeah, couldn't come up with that word, but anyway. So I did a little research. I had a ton of good reviews. I actually saw them at Sam's one day and was able to touch them, and I like to see stuff in person before I ordered it online. But anyway, i ordered the largest set that they have, so basically almost every piece, but it's called the Ninja Never Stick Cookware Set And I love it. Like every time I use it, i tell my husband I just love this cookware, i just love these pots, and he's like I'm so glad.

Speaker 2:

He could care less, but it comes with-.

Speaker 1:

It's because he doesn't use them?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he don't care. He could use dollar store stuff, he don't care. But it comes with a 10 year warranty. So if anything happens to it, if it gets chipped or broken or something happens to it, they'll replace it within those 10 years.

Speaker 1:

Have you ever had it? I?

Speaker 2:

haven't yet. I've had them, like I said, for about two years, but so far nothing has happened. No scratches nothing, and that's another thing. It's supposed to be scratchless, so you're supposed to be able to use metal, but I'm still a little nervous about that, so I still don't let my kids use metal. But it's made with that hard anodized aluminum, so it's not really a coating on it, it's just. It's not like the diamond clad stuff I've seen people use, but it's not like the coated stickware, right Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Well, i know, through your recommendation, jason does most of the cooking in our house because he just loves to cook. With your recommendation, at Christmas time, i think, i bought him two frying pans with it. And I mean I probably should have just bought the whole set, but I had just not even six months before that spent like 400 bucks on a caraway set. Yeah, and I mean I mean I've got the pots and the pans and everything from caraway, but you can't use metal on them.

Speaker 2:

You can't wash them in the dishwasher, Oh yeah these can go in the dishwasher too, right?

Speaker 1:

I mean, they're really easy to clean, don't get me wrong, but you can't do any of that stuff about with them, and ours are gray, so they tend to discolor fairly quickly And whenever you're with use colors like reds and grays and like you buy In the caraway. Yes Well, you buy pots and pans whenever you buy them in color. You don't have to worry about aesthetics.

Speaker 1:

So whenever they start to turn yellow or look dingy or whatever, it's just not okay especially whenever you spend that much money on them And I bought Jason two size fry pans for Christmas Own your recommendation And he says he actually loves them And we use metal, everything in them And we wash them in the dishwasher And he just likes not having to be yelled at because I always thought why is?

Speaker 2:

there a fork in my new pots.

Speaker 1:

I don't have to worry about that with these And he really likes them. But the best thing is you can put them in the dishwasher.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and you can actually put them in the oven. They're oven safe up to 500 degrees.

Speaker 1:

Oh wow, I think I knew that, but we've never done it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i haven't done it either, because I just haven't. I don't cook that way but, there are some things that you can, you know, start making your meat or whatever in the pan and then turn it into a casserole and stick it in the oven.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's good.

Speaker 2:

I just haven't done that, but you can if you want to, But yeah like it, the never stick is the main thing. Like it doesn't. Like you can burn. You can try to burn cheese and everything else. Like I make grilled cheese a lot in those pans and all you do is run it under the water and it just pops right off.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's amazing.

Speaker 2:

I guess I need to use them in trombone, Yeah we made spaghetti a couple of weeks ago and I ended up being sick, so some of the sauce still sat in the pan overnight. Nobody did the dishes.

Speaker 1:

Of course not.

Speaker 2:

Right The next day I was like, oh my God, the sauce is going to be stuck everywhere, it's going to stain it. Yeah, and it didn't Like. I rinsed it out, put it in the dishwasher and it was all good.

Speaker 1:

Oh wow, that's awesome. Yeah Well, we'll definitely put our links below in the description that way. If any of y'all want to check these things out, yeah, like I said, they'll be there.

Speaker 2:

Oh, and another thing I want to mention about that is they are a bit on the expensive side, I get. it depends on what you think is expensive.

Speaker 1:

I mean my set. They're cheaper than the caraway.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, my set was like $500, but, like I said, I got a big set So I couldn't drop $500 at the time. So I used a firm which I freaking love So I had them paid off in no time.

Speaker 1:

You can break that up into like four or five payments, so that's an excellent-.

Speaker 2:

I think I say with a firm you can do up to a year.

Speaker 1:

Really, That's nice to know that they offer that. I don't think I've purchased anything that large with a firm for them to jag it out that far. I normally do like y'all are going to laugh at this. I normally do like my Sephora purchases with a firm because if I break it out like that and Jason sees it coming out of the counter, it doesn't look like I just dropped $200. It's a four. It just looks like I dropped $50. But anyways, he's going to listen to this and I'm going to see you right now.

Speaker 2:

It's still like that makeup and hair products and stuff. It can add up, you can get like three things and you got over $100. Yes, yes, you do.

Speaker 1:

And I'm very big about using very good quality hair products, and I'm not necessarily makeup. with makeup I'm like if it works, it works. I don't care if it's drugstore name brand, you know, but a lot of my hair stuff I just like to use good products. But I guess we should move on.

Speaker 2:

since we're about 30 minutes in now, we should move on to the actual topic of our Yeah, which I'm kind of excited about this one because I think it's a popular topic that we really haven't talked about much is the home decor trends. Yes.

Speaker 1:

I'm kind of excited about this one. But the thing with home decor trends is very opinionated. It's subject to opinion.

Speaker 2:

Yep, and that's what we're gonna do today. We're gonna drop some opinions.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and you may agree with him or you may not No offense, don't take any offense, but please nicely give us your opinions in the comments. I think you can comment. Can you comment? Oh, you can't comment on the podcast but you can't comment. No, but we share it everywhere on social media, you can comment on social media, on Instagram or Facebook, so we look forward to hearing what trends y'all like. Yeah, but you wanna go.

Speaker 2:

And I think it's also good You wanna start with that. Yes, it does So. Like a 20 year old listening is gonna think differently than a 45 year old listening on the same topic, Right?

Speaker 1:

but I do feel like, with us being real estate agents, we tend to try to attempt to stay on top of the trends And I know with me I watch a lot of those videos. like I always say, in apartment tours and I tend to my house.

Speaker 2:

Might not look like the top thing, but I feel like I have a fairly good knowledge of what the new, and we see so many houses, yes, being brand new, built, recently decorated, or people who have been in their house for quite some time and stuck in the same 80s trend. Yes, or the 70s, orange appliances and green and Well actually that's one of the things we were gonna talk about. Some of that stuff is coming back.

Speaker 1:

I know, I know.

Speaker 2:

So the first one in our topic is probably the most well known at this time is the farmhouse.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

How do you feel about a farmhouse?

Speaker 1:

Well, i personally feel like you have different farmhouse Levels. Yes, so you have the rustic and then you have the modern farmhouse and things like that. I think farmhouse is a very specific trend in new overseas. I think rustic is more going out now and modern farmhouse is more in. But I also feel like it's a lot of your location.

Speaker 1:

I mean if you live in New York City in a high rise, your idea decorations home decor are not gonna be farmhouse more than likely. But if you're like us, where you live out in a more rural area and need a more efficient home decor and things like that that are gonna withstand mud and dirt and kids and animals and things like that, i think the farmhouse is a more realistic yet trendy way to go, right.

Speaker 2:

But then you also have people who actually have farmhouses. Yeah, that's a whole different level. Yeah, that's a different level. But as far as decorating a modern house in farmhouse, i personally like it. I think it looks clean and some of this stuff is very classic pieces where it could go with any trend. Right, i think for me personally, and I'm gonna say this and then I'm gonna go home and I'm gonna look at my own, i'm not big on the ones that are like kitchen, eat Right, living room We know it's a living room, so I have a couple of those signs.

Speaker 1:

I do too. I do too, and my husband picks on me so bad He's like why are we putting that sign up, like we don't know that that's the pantry, or?

Speaker 2:

the laundry room right above the dishwasher.

Speaker 1:

I mean right above the washing machine.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And I'm like yeah, but Yeah.

Speaker 2:

But I've only got two of them. Yeah, okay, it's minimal, right, in moderation. There's some people and again no offense in farmhouse style that have a saying every two steps Right, and it's a little much in my opinion.

Speaker 1:

And then some people have minimalistic farm style and then other people have like tons of stuff. Like Jennifer with the farm shed. That's local business here in the area. She can take a bunch of stuff and put it together and make it look gorgeous And it's normally the farmhouse style. Mine would look like a bunch of shit sitting in the corner, Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like it doesn't flow together. Yeah Well, I have a very close friend. I didn't have time to do anything with it. Her whole house is like farmhouse style, but it's gorgeous. It looks like a freaking magazine. So I think it's all in like your ability to put style together too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I just don't have that Yeah.

Speaker 2:

I have it. I just somewhere along the line I've just lost interest in changing Right.

Speaker 1:

It takes too much effort and time and money to change it all the time. Like I don't have that much time and energy, i really focus my stuff And, yeah, i don't need to think.

Speaker 2:

I think Christmas and fall. I do a little bit of fall decor, but I think those are the only two times I actually change my decor. the rest of the year It's the exact same.

Speaker 1:

Well, even my decor, with the exception of Christmas. It just adds to what like. I do every holiday, but that holiday decor that I own is only added to what's already existing. I don't like my mom used to take. She used to like, she used to change her actual. It was actual decor.

Speaker 2:

Take it all down. Take it all down, put new stuff up.

Speaker 1:

Put new stuff up And I'm like I don't have time for that, i just do that again, but Christmas I'll do that a little bit, but most of the items that I have they're just added to what I already have?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, all right, so the next thing we have on our list is wallpaper.

Speaker 1:

I personally despise wallpaper. Yes.

Speaker 2:

I do too. However, i've seen it in houses, and my sister personally uses wallpaper in a couple of rooms at her house And it looks fabulous Well, and also for the time period.

Speaker 1:

Right, I think we have a little PTSD for my parents wallpaper, where you had the green and orange and yellow wallpapers, or the flowery with mauve wallpaper and stuff like that, or it peeling off the wall after being on there for 20 years. But I do see one of my friends house. she uses wallpaper for accent walls And it is gorgeous.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, i've seen some magazines and some things on Facebook or whatever And it just makes the room look amazing because it's gorgeous wallpaper, but to me it's so trendy that it won't. It's not timeless, right, and I prefer timeless where I don't have to change it often. Right, right right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yep, i'm a gray walls person. And then you know basic brown couches and then my pillows and things like that are my pops of color and decor, and difference and things like that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's my thing with wallpaper Is it is such a pain to put up and put down that to do something that's not gonna stay in style for a very, very long period of time is just not worth my personal effort, because once it's out, i want it down, but I don't have the time or energy to put it down. Yeah, yeah, take it down. Yeah, what about wood coloring?

Speaker 2:

I think that wood the woods in your home can date, can really age a home And that's something that is easily fixed with paint. But again, i'm speaking from personal experience. like I've changed my home decor, i've painted my walls, i've even changed my countertops, added new backsplash, but my kitchen cabinets that's a big job I haven't touched yet.

Speaker 1:

So there's still They're painted a butt. Yeah, I mean, there's still that ugly orange builder grade?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and.

Speaker 1:

I hate that color person And I absolutely hate it too, but I haven't done anything about it. Right, well, and cabinets are so hard to paint. I mean, that's not like a easy task of like painting a wall or something like that.

Speaker 2:

But I did paint. Our banister was the same color. It was that orangey brown wood and I painted that black and it made a world of difference.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and see, eyes are like grayish color, grayish brown color. So I'm sure that will date itself as well, but-.

Speaker 2:

One day that gray that everybody says is going out. Yes, yes but I backed a different one on that, but we'll come to that topic later.

Speaker 1:

Well, I've noticed that, yes, wood color can date your house very quickly And that goes with flooring too, yes, yep.

Speaker 1:

However, i've noticed that the wood, the natural wood trend, has come in back in style, like whenever I watch these, especially in bigger cities, whenever I watch these videos that I tell you about, a lot of the content creators decorate with very neutral beige, white colors and wood like that light natural wood color, which I despise. This look at first, but now it has really grown on me. Unfortunately, i can't have that look in my house because I can't have white or beige anything without my kids and animals.

Speaker 2:

Yeah right.

Speaker 1:

But I do have very neutral colors in my house. You, see my house, you know, yeah, But that's definitely a very big staple point and recent like more trendy decorations.

Speaker 2:

Well, and I'm not going to I'm not going to reference the show that I was recently watching. We'll just move on from that. But I was watching the show where they do like home makeover type stuff And they did a lot of black walls And he even said the trick to doing black. So I would. I'm thinking like black counter, i mean cabinets. the trick to doing black anything in your home is just using a lot of whites and tans to brighten it back up. And when you see the reveal and they've got all this black, i'm like, oh my gosh, i want to paint everything black. It looks so amazing. You have to be very selective about it.

Speaker 1:

But also black stuff scratches easily, so it shows faults easily. So, it looks great in the beginning, but then it's going to wear very, very quickly. And with us having kids and stuff, I feel like we need something a little bit more durable. Yeah, but my friend that I was telling you that uses wallpaper for accent walls. She also painted one of her walls black and put white curtains up And I remember thinking What in the hell?

Speaker 2:

is she?

Speaker 1:

thinking But it was beautiful. Right, it was beautiful. And like these black houses with white trim, now I can imagine that they're energy efficient. Right, i don't know. I mean, i guess, roof you know, roofs are black- like shingles are black normally and they're not to be very insulated Yeah.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, An older house would not suffice with black paint, No.

Speaker 1:

but a lot of these new ones are like there's one right down the road that's black and white, i think, and it's beautiful, but I don't know how efficient.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

That is. But what do you think about animal print?

Speaker 2:

Well, i have mixed feelings on that as well, because I do quite. I own quite a bit of like cheetah stuff and a few zebra print stuff. But you know, there was a time back in the early 2000s where animal print was like it. Yes, all over your bows and your wreaths and your cushions, like your pillows, everything had animal print. Right, i think it's a little dated, but I do think that you can do, i mean, i think, anything in moderation it can be cute.

Speaker 1:

Yes, so my opinion on it is I think animal prints date themselves very quickly more so than most trends that we tend to have. But I don't see a problem with a piece here or there, right, because a piece here or there, it is an accent piece. It brings out that look, but it's also easily replaced and normally not too expensive.

Speaker 2:

Right. And like replacing all of your decor.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, But I think a piece here to here or there are are acceptable, Mm. hmm, Anywhere you know, no matter where you're at, like I know out in our area, cow, cow print, cow, yeah, cow. high print rugs and like things like that are a big thing.

Speaker 2:

I think there's another one that's on the more natural side, but I think it's still in. There's a lot of people that still do it. I see it on like Instagram and TikTok and stuff, but I think it might be on the way out too. But what do you think about the boho style? That's like more natural greenery.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so baskets. To me this kind of goes in, with wood color too. Because I think like the boho, like I said. I know I've said it a billion times, but whenever I watch these like apartment tours, and or home tours or whatever. I think that look is very popular in more modern area or bigger cities I would say like California and New York, places like that, yeah. Yeah, because, or Florida, miami because, and more. I think that's more of a younger trend as well, i agree.

Speaker 1:

But I like it. I didn't like it at first, but it's grown on me after seeing it so much. But like they have that wood color furniture with glass very light. Yeah, Light looks with a glass top and lots of green growing plants.

Speaker 2:

I would love that if I could keep them alive and white and beige. There's not much color It's very neutral across the board. And, like the stitched ottomans that you know, to time out, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Things like that, and they're not. There's not a lot of gray, it's more browns and whites and beiges and tans, and I like it, but it's not realistic, right For?

Speaker 2:

you know, and I also, like you can do, all types of home trends, but I think it also has to fit your personality Right, and I think that would be, even though I am a little bit on the hippie side. Sometimes it doesn't really fit my personality.

Speaker 1:

See, i think if I was a, was a younger person, i was single to have kids or anything like that. I would love that style. I'd like a combination of that style with the white style. Yeah, just because that neutrality is that, or neutrality.

Speaker 2:

I don't think that's a word, but we'll look at it. Neutral decor How about that There?

Speaker 1:

you go Brings me peace and comfort.

Speaker 2:

Well, actually, thinking back on what Lacey got for her dorm room was very much the same. It was with the big white flowers that we put on her wall. It was tan and green and whites, and I really do think it was more on that side, the boho side, and I'm a very big like in my house.

Speaker 1:

It's gray walls, darker furniture, you know things like that. But that's because I've got a family and I need something that's going to withstand that wear and tear And we've got that more farmhouse style, and that brings me comfort too. My home brings me comfort too, but I think, if I were on my own, that this is more the look that I would personally go for, and while and I don't think it'll date itself as bad, because you can always come in again with like pops of color or pictures or art or yeah, you can transition into other styles, right.

Speaker 1:

Maybe not completely but, enough that you can get away with it, i think, but I personally like it. I don't know how long it'll stay in. The younger generation seems to go through their trends a little bit quicker than we do. Oh, yeah, yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

I don't know the reasoning behind that, and we've talked about this already.

Speaker 1:

Well, actually, before we go in, this is sitting on our list. What do you think of the all white? Have you seen that? on like tick, tock and stuff.

Speaker 2:

What do you think? I have mixed feelings because, like you said, on tick tock in a video, on pictures, it looks gorgeous. Like it looks classic and beautiful, but in real life.

Speaker 1:

I can't imagine having no color or no depth.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean. Right, right, right, yeah, like even a little bit of gray or a little bit of green or a little pop of color, like something to bring it out. All white, just feels boring, right.

Speaker 1:

And then I've seen this other girl that I watch sometimes, her house. She just built our house And it's all black and white with marble countertops and floors And I'm like that's just too, it's pretty. But she's even got three kids And I'm like how do you do that? How do you do that? How do you keep that clean? But also, it's not very homie. It's not very homie at all, it's very. I think that would be very nice for an, a company office complex type thing, but I just I don't. Well, it's pretty and I like it.

Speaker 1:

I don't think I'd own it in my home, but I heard that the white is out.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i've heard whites out, so it's hard to keep up with the trends.

Speaker 1:

It is And I found at the end of the day, does it really matter if it's what you like? Unless it's something like like that's just really out like green carpet and yellow wall. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

It's strange enough. those things are actually kind of back to you.

Speaker 1:

They really are the same I've got so much PTSD from green carpet and yellow curtains that I there's no way no way show that if it comes back I will. My room growing up had yellow carpet, yellow curtains, yellow bedspread like everything was careless.

Speaker 2:

If I ever see it again, we lived in a house when I lived in Florida that had green carpet and it was like green shag, bright green carpet.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, No that's how my brother's carpet was in his room And whenever you walked on it it made this noise. It was like it sounded like you were walking on bean bags or something. It was weird but yeah, no, absolutely not. Browns and greens and yellows are will never be my thing, Like I might like brown or green or yellow, but not, not together.

Speaker 2:

I went through a very fall decor stage where everything in my house was reds and oranges and browns and with a pop of yellow here and there, and I loved it for probably about 10 years And finally, when we moved to the house we live in now, i'm like this isn't going to work for this house, right, so I had to switch it all up.

Speaker 1:

Right, yeah, i don't. Yeah, i can't do that. That earthy tone, yeah, it doesn't work for me. It doesn't, doesn't give me peace, it calls. Especially yellow causes me severe anxiety, so yellow is a happy color.

Speaker 1:

Oh not if you grew up in it. I don't think it was just like it was too much. It was too much. It was my room was too happy whenever I didn't always want it happy. You know That's funny, but all right. So we kind of talked about this a little bit already with, like wallpaper, accent walls, accent walls, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think it all depends on the space. Like I think an accent wall works for a kitchen or a four-year or you know somewhere that you're going to. you know it needs to have an accent Right. When we first moved into our house, all the walls were painted that builder grade beige and they had one dark purple wall going where that where I have the fireplace of the TV.

Speaker 2:

That whole wall was like dark, dark purple, and that was first thing we did before we moved into any furniture was painted that wall. Wow, yeah, i hated it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, that's just an odd accent color. I mean not necessarily an odd accent color, but to go with khaki, that's just weird.

Speaker 2:

Wow, yeah, but the house was built in the early 2000s and I mean it was 2009 when we bought it. So I mean it could have still been trendy then, but it wasn't.

Speaker 1:

For me, i don't ever remember that being trendy And to me I know this is a difference of opinion but to me, like accent walls, i like more. I understand, or I'm okay with it being a different color or a darker color or something like that. but I like, like a design on it, Like that's just, and that's where the wallpaper comes in or you know you can get wood like trim and stuff. Yeah, well, i have.

Speaker 2:

The house I have under contract now has the dining room, has that I guess you could call it nautical blue and white stripes on the dining room wall, and in the pictures it looked nice, but in person it doesn't look so great. No, why, i don't know. It just doesn't fit the room.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't fit the house Gotcha. Well, I've seen like some people have taken like quarter round or trim and things like that and and made designs on their wall And it's really easy Like that's actually something I could do.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i've thought about doing that in my dining room. I just have it. It takes time.

Speaker 1:

That's the only thing with like our house, with it having a completely open concept. I mean it's as open concept as you can get from the kitchen to the dining room, to the living room, and while I love that you don't have any walls to really play with It's like if you do a wall, it's like the whole wall from the kitchen to the living room. I know there's no accent, while it is the wall.

Speaker 1:

So, and it also doesn't give you a lot of corners to put things in like decor and things like that, Like we have. Jason got a grandfather clock, Don't just. that's a whole other story I'm not even going to go into. I've never in my life said I wanted a grandfather clock, but he brought this thing.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

He said that he got it for me, But I don't have anywhere in my house to put it. But I mean I've got plenty of walls that are blank, But if I put it there it's not going to look like it belongs there.

Speaker 2:

You know it needs to be kind of in a corner or a small wall.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, That's the only thing that I dislike about it. I wish I had done a little bit more dimension in there, but I still love it the way it is.

Speaker 2:

I'd really have it the way it is in any other way. Well, still talking about walls, what about Ship Lap? It kind of goes with the farmhouse. look.

Speaker 1:

I love Ship Lap personally, but I feel like it's going out.

Speaker 2:

I feel like it's overdone. That's my thing, Like I've never been a trend follower, Like I'll incorporate things that are trendy, but I don't follow trends because they're trends. And when I see people 900,000 people doing Ship Lap, I'm like I don't like it anymore.

Speaker 1:

Right, i like it, but I just like it for like the laundry room or the bathroom, I don't want it in my main house. I certainly don't want it in my bedroom or anything like that. Whenever we built our house four years ago, we just got the basic. It was just walls, so there's not like a lot of character Yeah. Character in our house. It's just your basic new build Cause I was like, well, if I can just get the basics, I can do all the rest.

Speaker 1:

And I really wanted a Ship Lap accent wall in my laundry room and I wanted one in my bathroom. Now I don't want it so much. I do want something different, but I don't know what I want. Yeah, and I'm glad I didn't do it now, because had I done it it would have I would have already been tired of it at this point, if I felt about it the way I do. You know, yeah, doing right now.

Speaker 2:

Well, maybe you have ideas for this. I have. You know, the island in my kitchen Right now. It's just the wood color and I keep telling myself I'm either going to paint it or I want to put up something On top or on the sides On the sides, okay, like all around the base. And I still keep going back and forth. I thought about Ship Lap before, i thought about bead board, i thought about wane scotting And I thought about just painting it like a darker color. So you're still up there.

Speaker 1:

You know what I want to do And I know this is hard for, like our listeners, who don't know what the insides of our houses look like. But you know where my TV is Like on the far wall whenever you walk in. I would really like to put a stone accent wall there because I don't feel like stone dates itself as much. But and then come in and my bar and where everybody sits, where the barstools are, and I call it the kick area, because there's like eight scuffs up and things like that. Really bad. Take that same stone and put it there, which will keep the scuffs and the holes and things like that. It'll be more. You know it would stand all of that. But also blend them in together, bring them together if that makes sense The stone.

Speaker 2:

Look was one thing I was thinking as well. Like on Amazon, you can get the peel and stick stuff, and I was going to think about doing that around the bar because you can change it if you wanted to.

Speaker 1:

What peel it does. It have dimension, though.

Speaker 2:

Some of it does. Yeah, it's a little puffy.

Speaker 1:

So I use the peel and stick towel in our old house just because, after being there for so long, i wanted a different look Right. You can't afford. You know actual towel. And yeah, i did.

Speaker 2:

I did it in my back splash in the kitchen and it didn't last as long as I wanted to.

Speaker 1:

No, it peeled off, but then I see people using it on YouTube and things like that and it looks great and it's lasting and maybe they better it. The house I sold last year had the exact same back splash.

Speaker 2:

I did Like we talked about it and it was the exact same product and they had had theirs up for two years and it looked like she had just put it up there.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, i don't put too much in my kitchen and it gets too hot and whatever, we didn't put enough glue on it. Maybe that too, because you don't have to add the glue to it If you spray.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I think I just don't have to patience. I think what happened with me is it started out great and then towards the end I was like screw this crap over it you know, and so then I started not putting 100% into it. Yeah, yeah, anyways, that's what I think, but I do think that they bettered it. Is that a word I know?

Speaker 1:

I think they've made it better over time. It's improved itself, yes, so it probably does stick better. But I would like for online, whenever I talk about the stone, the actual stone that's like rigid, very dimensional type.

Speaker 2:

Look, I don't know how It just feels permanent, so permanent Like if you wanted to change your mind. you know, on the accent wall, that'd be great, or around your fireplace, But on a bar I would like something a little less permanent.

Speaker 1:

But your bar? you don't put stools at it, do you? It's flat. See mine. It's hidden up underneath the lip of the bar and the stools cover it up. So even if I did, i don't think I could get tired of it, because I can't really see it.

Speaker 2:

I might get tired of it, it's just for added structure. Right.

Speaker 1:

And just something to keep the kicking. And you know the scuff marks. I can see me getting tired of it behind the TV.

Speaker 2:

TV Yeah.

Speaker 1:

It does seem permanent, but really in our reality it's just pulling it down and redoing the sheetrock, which I know sounds like a lot but it's not Right, it's easy, it's easy. It can get. I mean, it might be time consuming, but it's easy. What about and we talked about this kind of already we talked about white decor, but what about solid white kitchens?

Speaker 2:

I don't know. I think that that again with the dimension, like it would be too with white countertops white walls, white cabinets it'd be too much white.

Speaker 1:

So I liked it at one point. Yes, so my mom's kitchen is all white or you know it was all white whenever she was alive, but I liked it. Jason said absolutely not And it also brightened up the room. Now the whole house wasn't white, but the kitchen was pretty much all white. I liked it because it brightened up the room. He said absolutely not, it'd be disgusting, you know, because it's hard to keep clean, but my mom kept it clean Bleach.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Well, I hate bleach. I hate the smell of bleach.

Speaker 1:

But my mom kept it clean with two kids running in and out of the house and all of our friends. So I don't know, i think if you get it durable where it can just easily wipe down or whatever, you'll be fine. But I kind of like I've kind of changed my opinion on it a little bit. I like the white, like I saw something the other day where it was all white kitchen but the bar was like a navy blue Yeah, and it all had gold. And I know gold hardware is going out supposedly.

Speaker 1:

It just came in And I know, and I do feel like it dates itself, but with the gold hardware and the gold faucets, and things like that, like I just absolutely love that look.

Speaker 1:

But you also think about it was a different shade of gold. But back when the gold, yellow gold, shiny yellow gold, look and everybody's what light fixtures in the bathrooms and their shower doors and all that were gold. And you walk in there now and you're like, yeah, you know, i like immediately. This needs to be updated, but I like it with those. And I don't even like blue. I despise the color blue.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Like that navy dark, navy blue cabinets. I'm sure they scratch bad and they're hard to like keep cleaning stuff but aesthetically it's beautiful.

Speaker 2:

And you have such an aversion to like the happy colors, like blue is supposed to be a calming color.

Speaker 1:

No, You know I don't like blue. My old house, whenever we bought it, had blue shutters, blue door, blue carpet. Even the freaking blinds were blue.

Speaker 2:

There were those metal blinds.

Speaker 1:

And they were blue. Carpet was blue, Blinds were blue, Walls were planted blue. The bathroom, because we only had one bathroom the countertops blue and white marble.

Speaker 2:

So I Yeah, i can imagine. Yeah, i'm just blue. You've seen enough of the blues.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i'm over blue. I liked it at the time. I'm done with blue, yeah, but and maybe I'm okay with the dark blue because it was like a baby blue. Yeah, it's like different, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I think our downstairs guest bathroom is a navy blue and I absolutely love it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, love it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i think navy blue is a good cross or a good option instead of black. It also I think it's classy. Yeah, i think it's very classy looking, but I don't want my whole house done in it, i think navy blue is a good accent color or bathroom color Or an accent wall.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I don't think navy blue would look good in my house Right With the way I've got it, but I do like your bathroom, yeah, but I don't even think I could pull off of a navy blue bathroom in my house right now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just wouldn't know. Yeah, thinking of your bathroom, i don't think it would look good, maybe, yeah. My house has more grays and like browns and things like that.

Speaker 1:

We only get a few more Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Well, talking about bathrooms, do the bowl, the vessel bowl sinks Yeah, I don't like them.

Speaker 1:

I mean, aesthetically they're okay, but their functionality is just absolutely worthless.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I can't like. I've looked at them and they look pretty and the thought of them look pretty, but I don't have a desire.

Speaker 1:

And honestly, i mean, i thought they looked pretty, but then, like the other day, i walked in a house and there was one on it and it just seemed completely out of place.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Like it was like, there's just bowl sitting on top of the cat. It would have to be the right house. Yeah, i would have to go with the flow of the whole house. Yes, And then stand out in my house.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and then they take up too much room.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

If you've got small cabinet or you know counter space, Yeah, But So I did.

Speaker 2:

I wasn't a business one time recently that the bathroom counter. I mean, it was a business, so it wasn't a home, but the bathroom counter had no bowl, no sink, no indention whatsoever. The water just ran onto the counter And I guess it. there was like a little drain.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Towards the back or the front or wherever it was. That was strange, like I felt wrong, like I was making a mess.

Speaker 1:

Wow, That's weird. Yeah, it's super weird Yeah. It was completely flat and the water just went everywhere but then disappeared. It takes waterfall Yeah, What is it? The waterfall counter tops to a whole different level. Well, speaking of waterfall counter tops, what do you think of those? You know what I'm talking about whenever I'm saying that.

Speaker 2:

I actually don't.

Speaker 1:

So it's whenever the and I may be wrong, so don't come at me y'all if I'm, but from what I understand that it is is where the counter tops, to like if you've got granite or whatever, let's say you've got a white bar or a navy blue bar but the counter top granite, whatever you use, actually comes over and goes down the side as well.

Speaker 2:

I don't think I've ever seen that.

Speaker 1:

Really, i'll have to pull it up and show it to you I don't think I like it, It just sounds weird honestly I like more cut, like structure colors, no-transcript corners. Does that make sense? It's hard to explain, but just in general I'm that type of person Like overall everything in my life I like structure, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I'm the same When you're talking about that, like how some people will put like a chair in the corner of the room and it's at an angle, or in the middle of the room and it's at an angle. That drives me absolutely insane, Like I can't do it. It has to be like 90 degree angles.

Speaker 1:

Right. So that depends on me. for me, i think I have one chair that's in the corner, but if I didn't put it like angled, like that, it wouldn't work. Yeah, but I think it depends on the situation for me. But some things are very hard for me. Yes, yeah, like whenever you people use couches to distinguish rooms, like whenever you have your dining room and your living room. It looks good whenever other people do it, but for me to go into a house with a blank slate and do it, it would hurt.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i tried it in my house because our living room is more wide or long than it is like a big square, it's more like a rectangle. I guess, So I put one couch in front of the windows, one couch against the wall and just left the middle open space, which makes it look more open. But of course I was trying to do something different and so I moved that one couch to the middle, right in front of the TV, so you had like a walkway behind the couch.

Speaker 2:

I could see where you could make that work in your house It worked but everybody hated it Because it felt cramped, yeah, and it felt weird and everybody was like, why did you do that? Why don't you just push it against the wall? And finally I gave in and I was like, fine.

Speaker 1:

What did you use this space behind it for?

Speaker 2:

I was planning on getting like one of those sofa tables, which I got one, but I ended up using it for something else, so I never used it. Gotcha, so you might as well.

Speaker 1:

open up the space? Yeah, Because you've got three kids.

Speaker 2:

like they have room to sit down and watch TV on the ground or play, and dogs They like that extra play space in the middle too. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Like. Right now we have a. My husband taught me into buying. You've seen that little round table in front of my couch. I don't like that table. I rather have that open space there that makes me feel better. But he taught me into buying it because whenever we have wing night every other Friday night and all the little kids come over, that's their table Because it has it's a round coffee table but it has, like these little triangle seats underneath it And you pull the seats out and everybody can sit around the table.

Speaker 1:

So that's the little kids table. Yeah, And it's a whole lot easier than having to pull out a table every time you know all that stuff, so it's very functional for us, and that's why I keep it, but I don't necessarily like it.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You know, i'm like when can we get rid of this? Are they big enough yet?

Speaker 2:

Can we get rid of it yet, you know.

Speaker 1:

But yeah anyways. so what about? we've already touched on this and when we talked about my house to open floor plan?

Speaker 2:

What are your thoughts on that? Well, i have an unpopular opinion on that. Everybody loves open floor plans And I honestly do too, because it opens up the space and you don't feel so cramped. But in my mind, if I were to ever build a house, i always go back to, i guess like the 80s houses in like the sitcoms, where they had this humongous living room with a staircase and then you had a separate kitchen with a door Right, and so I spend a lot of time in the kitchen cooking and stuff doing stuff. So I would love to have that as like just a room, but it would have to be big, like not just a little closet in the corner Like it would have to be a big kitchen Right Right, right.

Speaker 2:

So that kind of defeats the open floor plan.

Speaker 1:

But it is an open floor plan, but it's not It'd be like two open floor plans.

Speaker 2:

Right, if I had a big enough living room and a big enough kitchen. Yeah, two big rooms.

Speaker 1:

But both of them are large. So for me and our old house you know, i don't know if I've ever gone into detail with this, but it was only like a thousand square foot house, my office and my new room my new home is probably twice as big as Braden's room was.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

At the old house And we only had one bathroom. It was very small. It worked for me and Jason in the beginning, but once you have kids, Right. So I hated that. I could never have company, i could never be the one that had Christmas or Thanksgiving or family over or wing nights, you know, because everybody, it was just so cramped and no room for everybody to sit And I mean it just wasn't comfortable, or fun. It was very awkward for everybody whenever they came over.

Speaker 1:

So whenever you've not been able to do that, for so long I really, whenever we designed our new house, really wanted my open floor plan because, my sister-in-law always had us over there, over to her house instead, because they had a big house And no matter where you sat in the house whether you're in the living room, the kitchen, the dining room we could all talk. We were all together.

Speaker 1:

Even if, even if I wasn't talking to my sister-in-law and I was sitting in the living room talking to my niece or something, we were still all together, and so that was the one thing I wanted whenever we built this house, and and that's why it's so open It doesn't matter if the kids are in there playing games or watching TV. They're still apart. Even then we're not talking to them, they're still. We're still all together, and I really like that. I don't also if I'm cooking. I don't like the idea like what would you like? I don't want to be cut off from everybody else I still want to be a part of the conversations.

Speaker 1:

I still want to be a part of, you know, watching TV or whatever show they're watching, and things like that. Now, the way things are in our house, if the kids and Jason are sitting down watching a movie and I'm cooking, or vice versa, jason's cooking, i can still say go ahead and keep playing it, don't pause it, for me, i can see what's going on and I can hear, yeah, there's.

Speaker 2:

There's pros and cons. Like I appreciate all of that when you're entertaining and you've got a lot of people over, like that's absolutely perfect. But in an everyday scenario, like I totally would love to be able to cook in peace and not have the TV on Gotcha, because I'm not a TV watcher. Like I watch Netflix and stuff like that, but my husband will sit down and he's like deaf.

Speaker 2:

Right, so it's so loud He's got the TV so loud and then I'm in there, you know, trying to cook, and you know either talk to the kids or whatever, And I just want that. I just want that space to be mine, Right.

Speaker 1:

Right, that makes sense, and for me, so many people in my house, is that everyday life. Yeah, You know just because the grandkids are so close and my brother looks right behind us and he's got six kids. So, there's always nobody knocks. There's always somebody going in and out of our house Like one of these days they're going to wish they knew how to knock because they're going to catch me.

Speaker 1:

They're going to see things they don't want to see. But not that I'm mine, but it's on them if they see it, So I just that's an everyday thing for me.

Speaker 2:

So I, that makes sense Yeah.

Speaker 1:

I don't want to now, whenever I get older and they grow up and move away or, you know, have their own families. I don't know what I'll feel like then, but right now this works for us. But I can see what you're saying. You're thinking of like the full house home or the Webster.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, honestly, like, if you think about the way that in my mind, you can't really see what I'm picturing. but it is a family space because there's a dining room like the, with it being an open floor plan kitchen, and then an open floor plan living room.

Speaker 1:

Well, if you think about both, right If you think about how full house was, or Webster remember Webster, cosby, cosby how their house was. theirs was set up that way where the kitchen was really big and they would, somebody would be cooking and the kids come in and sit down at the table and talk to them Exactly. Yeah, um, who. What other ones had that? That's all I can remember off the top of my head. What growing pains?

Speaker 2:

Yep, growing pains, yeah, that's how all of the houses were built. I don't know if it was the different part of the country from where we're at, but in the 80s and early 90s I think they were just the richer families Right.

Speaker 1:

They had the doctors and the, and we didn't grow up like that.

Speaker 2:

I mean no, no shade there, just no, yeah, if I could build my house right now, that's how I would build it Really.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's awesome, It's awesome. It's so funny how people have different. but anything else you can think about we should bring up.

Speaker 2:

I think we covered everything that we had written down. Um well, what about if we're talking about kitchens? you know how people will take out a cabinet and put like shelves instead of a cabinet. I hate that. Yeah, I personally don't like it either, because mine just gets cluttery.

Speaker 1:

Yes, And I don't have enough time. I got too much going on in my life to like, right right right now. I was thinking on the way to work today. I really need to take a good couple of weekends and go through all my cabinets and clean them out, because we've been there for four years now and I don't want to get it to the way it was in our old house, after I've been there for 17 years, you know.

Speaker 1:

So I just need to go through and clean out the baskets and organize the shelves and things like that And I don't have time to do that.

Speaker 2:

I'll probably do a couple of cabinets a month.

Speaker 1:

I should do better about that.

Speaker 2:

I don't because I my house is not clean, like I have kids, dogs, all that, so it's definitely daily lived in. But as far as like clutter and things like that, in the kitchen yeah, i have to, or I go crazy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i really need to do that. I need to get, i need to go through and reorganize everything, but I don't have enough time to do it often enough. I need it out of sight out of mind. Otherwise clutter stresses me out.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

It gives me a lot of anxiety. Yep, so I need, i need to be able to shut a door, yeah, but, but my stepdaughter loves that.

Speaker 2:

Really Yes, yes.

Speaker 1:

Which I don't know how, because she's just like me, she's got tons of clutter because she doesn't have time to organize it.

Speaker 2:

Well, you just, you just pick your pretty dishes and put on those shelves, i guess.

Speaker 1:

But I'm also. what's the word I'm looking for? I have too much respect for usable space. Yeah, Like I despise wasted space.

Speaker 2:

Oh, absolutely Yeah.

Speaker 1:

There's a part underneath their stairs that's closed in that. I know I could use as an office or a little nook or whatever, and I just cannot wait to the day that I can go in there and tear it out or put a door in there.

Speaker 2:

I know I've thought about doing the same thing that space underneath the stairs. Yeah, when we were taking the carpet off of our stairs, we were able to open up one of the kick plates on the stairs And I looked down there and I'm like, oh my God, there's so much space under here. We could knock out this wall and make this a whole new room.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Well, we couldn't make it a whole new room, but we could do like storage or something.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i mean a closet like another closet.

Speaker 1:

It's always good to have another closet. Yeah, like you know how nice it would be to have a closet just to be able to put, like, my toilet paper and paper towels and brooms and back, yeah. So right now my vacuum's stuffed in my coat closet, but then I've got all these brooms and stuff Anyways yeah, I get it.

Speaker 1:

But also I thought about I don't know if you've seen it or not putting a dog door there and almost having the kennel underneath there, because our dogs are really good But, like our Boston interior Charlie, he likes to jump and he just wants tons of attention And I always have to put him outside or put him in the kennel, and this way he would have his own little space to go in, but also big enough for the English Mastiff Right. You know, that'd be a good place for him to sleep too and not be wandering the house wherever we are.

Speaker 1:

You know, in bed, but I don't know. But there again, it's not as functional as I would really like for it to be. I think a closet would be better there. Yeah, one of these days.

Speaker 2:

Yep, so many plans, yep.

Speaker 1:

So I guess that's it. We'd really like to hear y'all's opinions. You know I keep getting too far away from the microphone. Now you can really hear me.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

We 'd really like to hear everybody else's opinions about what's in and out right now. So definitely, you know. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and please give them to us.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, definitely, and hopefully we didn't offend anybody's personal trend styles, because everybody has their own likes and dislikes We all have our own opinions Yep, yep, yep And mine might change in a week.

Speaker 1:

So you know, yeah, because I said I don't like oranges and greens and all that but, watch me eat those words and have to come back and say sorry, That kind of orange accent.

Speaker 2:

Well, yeah, I said that one time about bell bottoms.

Speaker 1:

I remember whenever bell bottoms are wide, like pants came player pants came in and I was like you'll never catch me dead at them. Exactly, that's like all I wear now. Yeah, but all right. Anything else from you? All good, all right. Well, i guess we'll see you. Hopefully we'll be back in a couple weeks this time.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and also make sure to check out our links on our products, yep, and we'll make sure that those are in the notes and in our personal pages. Yeah, let us know if you try any of the products that we mentioned, yes, and what you think of them, yeah, even if you don't like them.

Speaker 1:

All right, all right.

Speaker 2:

Have a good day.

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